Pascha 2021

Pascha 2021

Palm Sunday at St. Thomas

Services started at 10:30 PM for the Pascha Rush service. Ilene and I had come in about 45 minutes early to help get things set up for the next three-plus hours of celebration, worship, and then feasting.

In Orthodox tradition, we spend 40 days fasting, with a couple of exceptions, on everything from meat, fish, olive oil, wine, dairy, and eggs. The Lenten Fast is a celebration of Christ, a giving up of things of the world, to grow closer to the God-man, Jesus of Nazareth.

The fast isn’t just giving up something we like, it’s giving up letting ourselves be ruled by food, “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” The fast also emphasizes more prayer in our goal to grow closer to God, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your soul…” The Fast also emphasizes, “You shall love your neighbor as your self,” in that we are to give more of our time, money, and treasure to others. Continue reading Pascha 2021